Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chips, Chips, Chips!

I am a chip fiend. I am not having any problem with avoiding sweets, I have never had that much of a sweet tooth. I do have a couple of squares of Green & Blacks 85% chocolate at night - I have always liked dark chocolate.

But chips - there's my downfall. I know that we can actually have some chips on the Belly Fat Cure, but I have avoided them because I have been worried that I would not be able to stop and have too many.

Well, I went over to a friends house last night (we had a viewing party for a gig we did recently) and there they were - a big bowl of chips and guacamole. Leering at me. I could hear them calling.

I had three. Three! And that was enough. Take that, you chippy chips!



  1. Great Control! I find it is easier to control what I eat now that I have taken the sugar out of my diet. I don't seem to crave anything so far. I am more of a sweets person. Never really craved chips but if I did eat them it was hard to stop. I agree with you that if you have something that triggers your eating--keep it away. Especially this early in the game, then bring it back ever so slowly.

  2. Chips are my downfall too!! Great job just having a few!
